The majority of us rarely keep our New Year's resolutions. Your resolutions may be too ambitious, which makes them difficult for you to keep. Maybe you give up because you don't see immediate progress. Whatever your reason, you can adjust your approach until you achieve your goals.
If you want to keep your New Year's resolutions, you must first learn how to make ones that you can actually keep. Determine how you will achieve your dreams by making effective resolutions that support you and guide you toward your goals. By creating small, continuous victories, you can create unstoppable momentum.
Consider what kinds of changes you really want to make in your life. Would you like to lose weight? Quit smoking? Return to learning? Become a blogger? Whether it is big or small, there are many things you may want to accomplish. The first step to getting them done is to start.

Choosing Realistic Resolutions
Whenever you have a big goal, break it down into smaller pieces. There is nothing wrong with saying you want to write five books next year, lose 20 pounds, or get your 3-year degree. However, you cannot achieve them unless you break them down into smaller actions.
If you want to write those books, lose weight, or earn that degree, you need to write down the steps you need to follow. Is there one small action you could take today to move closer to your goal? Write down actions you can take each day for the next ten days. If you do, you will create unstoppable momentum toward success.
Keeping yourself from becoming overwhelmed is easier when you decide what really matters to you and break it down into small chunks. Break down your resolution further if you still feel overwhelmed. It's the finish line that will motivate you, but it's the small steps that will keep you focused.
Every time you achieve a small victory, reward yourself. Remind yourself of why you are doing the things you are doing. As a result, you'll stay motivated and excited throughout the year.

Stay On Top Of Your Resolutions
Keeping track of your progress is essential to keeping your New Year's resolutions. Keep an eye on your progress. No matter how much you want to give up, try to keep going. Giving up is the only way to fail at New Year's resolutions. Take note of what's working and what needs to be changed in your approach, and then adapt your tactics accordingly.
When you experience setbacks, you can use them as a source of feedback to get back on track. Take advantage of your setbacks to prepare for a more successful comeback. Even if you fall short of your goal, you'll accomplish more than you expected. The most critical thing is to decide what's important to you and to go for it with all your might. As a result, you will begin to experience the fulfilment you deserve in your life.

Resolutions to Improve Your Physical Health
1. Eat right. Focus on adopting healthy eating habits rather than resorting to crash diets. Learn to eat more slowly and reduce your portion sizes.
· Eat a variety of foods with plenty of complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and fruits. Add in some lean proteins and healthy fats to complete your meals.
2. Exercise daily. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise every day. Round that out with training for strength and flexibility.
· Find a variety of activities that you enjoy, like brisk walks and biking.
· Get an exercise ball or treadmill that you can use at home on busy days or when the weather outside is unpleasant.
3. Get adequate rest and sleep. Insufficient sleep can make you more vulnerable to weight gain and many illnesses. Different individuals need different amounts of sleep, but the conventional eight hours is a good rule for most people. If you constantly feel drowsy, try going to bed earlier.
4. Take care of your bones. Almost half of all women over 50 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture. Men can be at risk too. Eat plenty of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Get some sunshine and lift weights or do other resistance training.
5. Practice good posture. Strong abdominal muscles will protect your back from injury and help you look younger. Get used to pressing your navel towards your lower back and keeping your shoulders relaxed. Breathe from your abdomen rather than your chest.
6. Quit smoking. You probably already know all the dangers of smoking, including lung cancer and premature ageing.
· Many people make several attempts before quitting for good so be open to various cessation methods. Your doctor may be able to help you find the right plan for you.
7. Drink alcohol in moderation. Some people may need to avoid alcohol altogether. Others can stay safe within the general limits of one drink a day for women and two for men. Avoid alcohol before bed so you get good quality sleep.
8. See your doctor. Regular checkups enable early treatment to keep small health issues from growing worse. If you can't afford health insurance, you may be able to get some free or inexpensive screenings at local pharmacies and health fairs.

Resolutions to Improve Your Mental Health
1. Manage stress. Keeping stress under control lets you enjoy life more. Set aside time each day for meditation or listening to soothing music.
2. Build healthy relationships. Develop a strong network of support. Communicate openly and with respect.
3. Monitor your thoughts. Think positive. Divert your attention away from nonproductive worrying by brainstorming creative solutions to challenging situations.
4. Practice positive self-talk. Be a good friend to yourself. Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.
5. Be compassionate. Show compassion for yourself and others. Be aware of the suffering in the world and look for ways to alleviate it.

6. Engage in lifelong learning. Keep your mind sharp by giving it constant challenges. Take adult education classes or listen to foreign language tapes.
7. Consider counselling. It's wise and courageous to ask for help when you need it. Professional counselling or spiritual practices may help you bounce back from unfortunate events like divorce or unemployment. They can be useful for smaller things, too, like if you've just had a rough week.
While many New Year's resolutions get discarded faster than the dried-out Christmas tree, there are ways to make them stick. Set specific goals that are meaningful and attainable for you. Improving your physical and mental health is a great gift for yourself and your whole family.
Resolutions For Your Career
This New Year, take the opportunity to set some resolutions for your career. Resolutions are a great way to stay motivated and ensure you reach your goals.
First, make sure you identify what success looks like to you. What do you truly want to achieve in your career? Decide on one or two goals that will get you closer to them. Once these are decided upon, break these goals down into smaller ones that can be achieved each month or week if needed. This will give you something concrete and manageable to work towards throughout the year.
Career resolutions can include:
Getting promoted
Seek opportunities to work at a new company
Make your personal brand stand out
Increase your focus on big projects
Improve your leadership skills
Organizing yourself better
Engaging in more networking
Finding more challenges in your role
Getting better at time management
Become a better public speaker and presenter
Get familiar with a new tool that will help you in the workplace
Enhancing your ability to collaborate with others
Speaking up more in the office or meeting
Making work-life balance a priority
Then create a plan for how those goals can be achieved and find ways of holding yourself accountable so that when it comes time for review, your efforts have been rewarded with tangible results. The new year is a great time to reflect and set resolutions to help enhance your career.
No matter where you are in your career, you can work on improving yourself, your skills, and your work ethic. Now is the time to commit to professional growth and development. By setting meaningful goals and taking proactive steps, you can set yourself up for career success this year. Here's to a productive and successful 2023!
New Year's resolutions can be an effective way of setting yourself up for success and reaching your personal goals in the coming year. They are a great way to give yourself an initial boost, as well as a platform to track your progress. It is important to set realistic goals and not get discouraged if you don’t achieve them right away. Just remember that with dedication, self-discipline, and determination you can make your New Year's resolutions come true.
Regards, Paula
Careers and Personal Growth Coach
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